Interdisciplinary collaborations at BIOENG24

I was honoured to have been selected to attend the BioEngineering conference of 2024 at the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus and present my work in a poster.
My poster featured the new avenue that my research has taken. It has moved away from a focus on Major Depressive Disorder and has now been extended to comorbidity phenotypes. We are leveraging the iPSYCH case-control cohort and associated Danish Registry data to improve the analyses and perform comorbidity genetics!

For the current blogpost, I want to highlight my impressions on the work presented at this conference. It may not be a surprise, hearing the name of this conference, that my work was less directly related to the work of other presenters. However, I did appreciate the wide scope of work presented. It was a refreshing and educational experience to present my work to people outside of my direct field. It gave me new insights in my work and helped to better conceptualise my results.

Attending the BioEngineering conference 2024 has reminded me of my love for biology. I’ve moved away from fundamental biological research in my PhD, but a love and fascination for the research does remain. I was excited to hear about the research at BIOENG that has such a high translational value. For research to focus on public health and real-world translation and impact is something I will always strive towards in my own work as well.

ps. find the poster under publications






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